

The Dog contract oversees the liquidation process. It monitors Vaults for undercollateralization and triggers auctions to sell collateral when necessary.

Key Responsibilities

  • Tracks undercollateralized Vaults.

  • Incentivizes keepers to liquidate risky positions.

Key Methods

  • bark(ilk, urn, kpr) Initiates the liquidation process for a Vault (urn). Determines the amount of collateral to be auctioned and distributes liquidation rewards to keepers.

    hole: Maximum debt to liquidate per collateral type.

  • digs(ilk, rad) Adjusts internal debt balances after liquidation is completed.

  • file(what, ilk, data) Configures liquidation parameters, such as penalties and incentives.

    • Example Parameters:

      • chop: Liquidation penalty (e.g., 5% of the debt).

      • hole: Maximum debt to liquidate per collateral type.

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