Proxy contract


  • The DSProxy contract allows users to execute code on their behalf using a persistent proxy address.

  • It simplifies complex multi-step operations by enabling atomic execution within the context of the proxy’s identity.

  • Ownership of the proxy is flexible and can be transferred, supporting dynamic models like multisignature wallets.

Key Methods

  • execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data)

    • If _code corresponds to a cached contract, it is executed directly; otherwise, the contract is deployed and cached before execution.

    • _data specifies the calldata to be sent to the contract.

    • Emits an Execute event upon successful execution.

  • execute(address _target, bytes memory _data)

    • Directly executes a specified contract (_target) with provided calldata (_data).

    • Requires the caller to have the necessary auth permissions.

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